



ESGF CMIP5 tutorial

This tutorial provides guidance on how to apply for and access ESGF CMIP5 data.

General Concept

The ESGF data discovery is based on the OpenSearch Catalogue Access Service . When a query is sent to the CAS, a software component called ESGFGateway provides a dynamic discovery of the resources hosted by the Earth System Grid Federation, through the access point of the ENES archive at DKRZ, with the search extended to all the peer nodes (distrib=true). Then the metadata so collected are cataloged in a CAS form .

Catalogue Data and Output Formats

Actually a sample ESGF-CAS offers the following metadata :

Series name Description Example URL (ATOM)
fgco2 Surface Downward Mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon (RCP, CMIP5)
o2min Oxygen Minimum Concentration (RCP, CMIP5)
ph Sea Water pH reported on total scale (RCP, CMIP5)
phyc Phytoplankton Carbon Concentration (RCP, CMIP5)
thetao Sea Water Potential Temperature (RCP, CMIP5)
zos Sea Surface Height Above Geoid (RCP, CMIP5)

The series name comes from the choice to have one series for each variable and fixed project = CMIP5 .

The following output formats are available (the zos series is used as an example in the remainder of this document, but everything explained below applies to the other series too):

Format URL (using ASA_IM__0P as example) Comment
RDF The most universal format, contains the complete product metadata
HTML Web-optimised representation, useful for quick verifications with a web browser

Viewing Product Information

The best way to get familiar with the ESGF CAS is making requests using a web browser. You can do this by choosing any of the above URLs (e.g. HTML or ATOM format).

At this point, you may refine your search by specifying search criteria. This is done by appending query string parameters to the base URL. Doing so, only information of the matching products is returned (below there is an example).

These are the search criteria you can specify:

Query string parameter Description Value format Value set Example
bbox Rectangular area of interest minlon,minlat,maxlon,maxlat none bbox=13.3,50.5,14.3,51.5
start Start date of the period to be covered YYYY-MM-DD, or none start=2010-09-12
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ start=2010-09-12T13:58:26Z
stop End date of the period to be covered YYYY-MM-DD, or none start=2010-09-15
date and time in format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ start=2010-09-15T21:24:30Z
count Number of records to be returned (default is 20) Integer value none count=100
startIndex Index of first result record to be returned (starting with 0, default is 0) Integer value none startIndex=20
startPage Result page (starting with 0, default is 0), each page contains count records (alternative to startIndex) Integer value none startPage=1
ensemble Ensemble as defined from ESGF Portal Text none ensemble=r1i1p1
experiment Experiment name as defined from ESGF Portal Text none experiment=decadal1960
model Model name as defined from ESGF Portal Text none model=GEOS-5
cmor_table MIP Table name as defined from ESGF Portal Text none cmor_table=Omon
realm Realm name as defined from ESGF Portal Text none realm=ocean

By default the number of returned products is 20. To obtain all matching products, you can do the following:

  • Provide a value for the count query string parameter, e.g. count=100
  • Do sequential requests providing the index of the first product to be returned until the returned result is empty (beyond the total number of matching products), e.g. startIndex=0, startIndex=20, startIndex=40, etc (note that the first product has the index 0).


The ESGFClient is a Command Line Interface to download products from the "ESGF Data Search".


With this lesson you have learned:
- to query ESGF CMIP5 dataset series
- to query and downlaod ESGF CMIP5 datasets

Updated by Herve Caumont over 11 years ago ยท 3 revisions