


Lib-gdal » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Herve Caumont, 2013-06-19 18:05) → Revision 2/3 (Herve Caumont, 2013-10-25 16:42)

h1. GDAL Simple job 



 h2. Introduction 


 This simple job will demonstrate a few things about a typical sandbox usage: 
 * installing software packages 
 * configuration of a simple application taking geotiff files available on a remote FTP site and convert them to a chosen format (e.g. PNG)  


 h2. Pre-requisites 


 To follow this simple tutorial you need: 
 * a running sandbox 
 * access to the sandbox  
 less than 30 minutes of time  


 h2. Step 1: install gdal on the sandbox 


 The installation of gdal is done via yum(Yellowdog Updater Modified) 


 Run the command below on your sandbox: 


 [user@sb ~]$ sudo yum -y install gdal 


 h2. Step 2: create the simplejob 




 The simple job will require a folder under /application: 


 [user@sb ~] cd /application 
 [user@sb application] mkdir simplejob 
 [user@sb application] cd simplejob 


 h3. Create the wrapper file which handles the input parameters  


 [user@sb simplejob] vi run 


 Note: You can use any editor you like 


 h3. Paste the code below in the run file: 




 # Project:         ${} 
 # Author:          $Author: stripodi $ (Terradue Srl) 
 # Last update:     $Date: 2011-09-08 12:01:58 +0200 (Thu, 08 Sep 2011) $ 
 # Element:         ${} 
 # Context:         services/${project.artifactId} 
 # Version:         ${project.version} (${}) 
 # Description:     ${project.description} 
 # This document is the property of Terradue and contains information directly 
 # resulting from knowledge and experience of Terradue. 
 # Any changes to this code is forbidden without written consent from Terradue Srl 
 # Contact: 
 # 2012-02-10 - NEST in jobConfig upgraded to version 4B-1.1 


 # source the ciop functions (e.g. ciop-log) 
 source ${ciop_job_include} 


 # define the exit codes 


 # add a trap to exit gracefully 
 function cleanExit () 
    local retval=$? 
    local msg="" 
    case "$retval" in 
      $SUCCESS)        msg="Processing successfully concluded";; 
      $ERR_NOPARAMS) msg="Outout format not defined";; 
      $ERR_GDAL)      msg="Graph processing of job ${JOBNAME} failed (exit code $res)";; 
      *)               msg="Unknown error";; 
    [ "$retval" != "0" ] && ciop-log "ERROR" "Error $retval - $msg, processing aborted" || ciop-log "INFO" "$msg" 
    exit $retval 
 trap cleanExit EXIT 


 # retrieve the parameters value from workflow or job default value 
 format=`ciop-getparam format` 


 # run a check on the format value 
 [ -z "$format" ] && exit $ERR_NOPARAMS 


 # loop through all geotiff URLs passed as stdin 
 while read inputfile  
	 # report activity in log 
	 ciop-log "INFO" "Retrieving $inputfile from storage" 


	 # retrieve the remote geotiff product to the local temporary folder 
	 retrieved=`ciop-copy -o $TMPDIR $inputfile` 
	 # check if the file was retrieved 
	 [ "$?" == "0" -a -e "$retrieved" ] || exit $ERR_NOINPUT 
	 # report activity 
	 ciop-log "INFO" "Retrieved $retrieved" 
	 # invoke gdal to convert the geotiff into selected format 
	 gdal_translate -of $format $retrieved $OUTPUTDIR/`basename $retrieved` 	


	 # check error code 
	 [ "$?" != "0" ] && exit $ERR_GDAL || ciop-log "INFO" "Processed $inputfile" 


 exit 0 


 h3. Create the application descriptor  


 Go up one level to /application 


 [user@sb ~] cd /application 
 [user@sb application] vi application.xml 


 Paste the XML content: 


 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
 <application id="example"> <!-- you can type any id you want -->  
		 <jobTemplate id="gdalformatconv"> <!-- this is the job name --> 
			 <streamingExecutable>/application/simplejob/run</streamingExecutable> <!-- this is the wrapper script -->  
				 <parameter id="format">PNG</parameter> <!-- this sets the default value for parameter format --> 
	 <workflow id="workflow"> 	 <!-- Sample workflow --> 
		 <workflowDescription>My simple workflow</workflowDescription> <!-- provide a description to the workflow --> 
		 <node id="gdal">  		 <!-- workflow node unique id --> 
			 <job id="gdalformatconv"></job> 		 <!-- job defined above --> 
				 <source refid="file:urls" >/home/fbrito/geotiff.urls</source> <!-- the geotiff URLs are provided on an ASCII file, set your username value --> 


 Create the URLs files in your home directory  


 [user@sb application] cd  
 [user@sb ~] vi geotiff.urls 


 Add a few URLs: 




 h2. Step 3: execute the job 


 h3. Execute the simple job 


 Optionally list the nodes you can execute: 


 [user@sb ~] ciop-simjob -n 


 This will return: 


 Process it! 


 [user@sb ~] ciop-simjob gdal 


 The job is executed and a tracking URL is provided to follow the progress and access the execution logs. Open the URL on a browser 




 h3. Check the gdal node results 


 The generated files are published on a local filesystem: 


 [user@sb ~] cd /share/tmp/TBC 


 There should be two image files in the file format defined by default: PNG 


 h3. Define another file format to test the node 


 Edit the application.xml file and add the line: 


 <parameter id="format">JPEG</parameter> 


 To obtain: 


 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
 <application id="example"> 
		 <jobTemplate id="gdalformatconv"> 
				 <parameter id="format">PNG</parameter> 
	 <workflow id="workflow"> 							 <!-- Sample workflow --> 
		 <workflowDescription>My simple workflow</workflowDescription> 
		 <node id="gdal"> 							 <!-- workflow node unique id --> 
			 <job id="gdalformatconv"></job> 					 <!-- job defined above --> 
				 <source refid="file:urls" >/home/fbrito/geotiff.urls</source> 
				 <parameter id="format">JPEG</parameter> 


 Run the job again this time using the ciop-simjob flag to delete the previous run results: 


 [user@sb ~] ciop-simjob -f gdal 


 The generated files are published on a local filesystem: 


 [user@sb ~] cd /share/tmp/TBC 


 There should be two image files in the file format defined at workflow level: JPEG 


 h3. Run the application as a workflow 


 Our workflow has a single job but it's still a workflow! 


 You can trigger the workflow with: 


 [user@sb ~] ciop-simwf 


 You can track the workflow execution on the shell. Wait for the workflow conclusion. 


 Use the command below to get the latest workflow run: 
 [user@sb ~] ciop-simwf -l 


 Use the value returned above to check the workflow results: 


 [user@sb ~] ll tmp/sandbox/run/0000000-130405042430716-oozie-oozi-W/gdal/output 


 You can optionally delete the generated results: 


 h2. Conclusion 


 With this simple job you have learned: 
 * how to install packages to run your application using yum 
 * how to create a job template in your sanbox 
 * how to write the job wrapper script 
 * how to define the application descriptor 
 * how to execute the job with the default parameter 
 * how to execute the job with the parameter value definition  
 * how to execute the workflow 
 * how to check the generated results